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Help My House Is Haunted!

Writer's picture: Sadhu DahSadhu Dah

Learn from a real exorcist about what is happening in situations of the paranormal that may be happening in your home, help is here and it's free. Reach out for support.

I have lived a life that few could possibly imagine or believe, the paranormal is a funny place to find yourself residing in day by day. This path can be painful, exciting, terrifying, and wonderful all at the same time. When you think about the world it's best to keep in mind that the ecosystem we are part of is cosmic, quasi physical, and vibrational by nature. It isn’t about what you can see, more so what you don’t, and what is naturally present without detection. My life before this journey was ignorant and filled with questions, the more I experience and encounter in this field leaves me aware of how ignorant I still am and only brings more questions.

All my close calls with death, nightmarish experiences, moments of confusion and tears nobody witnessed, in all of that I will tell you this, once you open the door you can’t close it and life will never be the same. Whether that means your life becomes better and you flourish, or if you become bitter, jaded, or swallowed by fear, all of that depends upon you. The trials ahead are what you make of them, no matter how pressing, hopeless, or lost you may find yourself, remember this one thing..

“If you think you are big, you become small. If you know you are nothing, you become unlimited. That’s the beauty of being a human being.”
― Jaggi Vasudev, Pebbles Of Wisdom

You are home alone and watching something on the television when you hear footsteps behind you, the hair stands up on the back of your neck and as you turn to see the intruder behind you, a sigh of relief rushes over you that nobody is there, but its quickly replaced with terror because you know you are not alone though you can’t see the intruder. You go to bed that night and as you start to drift off to sleep you feel pressure and an invisible force crawling on your bed.

Who do you call? What do you do?

Reach out to Sadhu Dah for support if any of this sounds familiar!

Phenomena will often need to build in intensity and condense closer to the physical plane from the incoming entity's actual plane of dimensional existence to bridge closer to our dimension. What may appear weak has just not had enough time and charge to get here fully where you would be facing the entity in its entirety of form. If an entity is to attack or approach this dimension, then how does it do it?

Que the nature of attack, electromagnetism. That is how they do it.

When you have a steady baseline of EMF (electric and magnetic fields) outside of a haunted place and then begin to see fluctuations, this can show the presence of a vacuum meaning manifestation has already occurred and the haunting is in stage 2. Spikes in EMF in a haunted location can be due to gathered energies manifesting to induce phenomena usually preceded by an orb on camera or audible bang type of noise. When you know what you are looking for, or have a solid understanding in how this all works, it can be quite predictable, everything has a pattern.

You will be able to identify if a spirit is human, based on its motives. Ghosts are only capable of low to mid level phenomena, if the activity spikes beyond a certain threshold then you may have an infestation of ghosts, or the presence of something else and maybe a combination of sorts. The general motive of all human spirits is to induce communication through localized phenomena. It is meant to garner attention, if it is beyond that and is meant to induce fear, then you are dealing with demonic or negative human spirits. Ghosts are in a perpetual flux of crisis, they have gone from being physical beings to spiritual entities and it is uncomfortable if they don’t move on. They draw energy from the environment, it can come from power poles and electronics or even be siphoned off of living beings, cold spots are a common occurrence in their presence. The reason a spirit will manifest is to interact with the world it is stuck in, this state of limbo creates confusion the same as not knowing which way is up or down and being under water. Some phenomena I have witnessed that has also been documented by countless others are ghost calls, where a disembodied voice will actually call you on your phone, or even speak through the phone while you are talking to someone else. I have even heard audible voices speak in mid air.

Full or partial apparitions can be seen and on certain levels it can appear as solid as somebody with a physical body, even interacting with objects in the environment. Things such as being pushed or shoved can be for attention, or to generate fear, depending on the spirit in question. Lights can blink on and off, animals will bark or react to seemingly nothing and so on... Under the category of human spirits we have Human Positive and Human Negative, a ghost could be defined as positive or negative based on its actions, if it's just phenomena to get attention, know that it means no harm. If the phenomena is designed to strike fear and uncomfortable feelings arise, you have a negative presence. Ghosts are able to communicate in the ego form even after they cross over, this is because the consciousness is now in the etheric shell known as the aura of that former living person.

A good analogy to make sense of this would be that the caterpillar and the butterfly are still the same though the transition through the cocoon allowed a change to occur in its structure. So don’t think of a loved one being gone forever even if they cross over and are reborn, but if they don’t cross over then they slowly go insane in the Astral and will act up in an attempt to ask for help.

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